Here, at WSI, we are closely monitoring the evolving situation related to the Coronavirus (now referred to as COVID-19) for any risks that would put the safety and well-being of you, your customers, or our organization in jeopardy. As always, our goal is to continue to help you grow your business and connect with your customers online.
To ensure you are aware and comfortable with our level of support and service during this time, I wanted to provide you with this initial update.
All Meetings will be Conducted Virtually
The “remote” approach has become a best practice for many organizations to minimize contact and reduce the risk of exposure to their staff and clients. Virtual meeting technology (i.e., GoToMeeting, Zoom, Skype, etc.) enables us to continue to have productive meetings and meaningful conversations with you. We will continue to be available to answer any questions you may have concerning your digital marketing strategy.
Technology and Support Systems Remain Up and Running
The cloud-based technologies and support systems within our network have infrastructures and contingency plans in place to provide uninterrupted service during natural disasters and incidents like the Coronavirus outbreak. While the actual impact of the evolving Coronavirus is unknown at this time, we are confident of our business continuity capability and our ability to meet our obligations to you, our valued customer, so our service and support to you remain unaffected.
Outstanding Projects and Commitments
We currently do not anticipate any impact on our scheduled website launches, digital advertising campaigns, or any other digital marketing commitments that are pending for our customers. However, if there are changes you feel need to be made as a result of factors inside your organization, please reach out to us and let us know. We understand the circumstances are unique and may require flexibility on both our parts, which we are happy to do. While the situation is not ideal, I believe we are well prepared to continue uninterrupted services despite the possible impact of the Coronavirus.
If you have a specific question or would like to talk further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally.